Jellyfish have arrived
Don’t let stings ruin your day at the beach
Beach patrols in our area are reporting sightings of jellyfish earlier than normal this year. If you’re headed to the beach, keep these tips in mind in case you have a close encounter.
Rinse with seawater: The first step is to rinse the affected area with seawater. Using fresh water can cause the stinging cells, or nematocysts, to release more venom, worsening the pain.
Neutralize the venom: Applying vinegar to the sting site helps neutralize the venom. It can provide significant relief by deactivating the stinging cells.
Remove tentacle fragments: Any remaining tentacle fragments should be carefully removed using a flat object like a credit card. Avoid using bare hands to prevent further stings.
Apply a cold pack: To reduce pain and swelling, apply a cold pack to the area. This can help soothe the discomfort and decrease inflammation.
Monitor for severe reactions: While most jellyfish stings are mild, some individuals may experience severe allergic reactions, including difficulty breathing or chest pain. Immediate medical attention should be sought in such cases.
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Seek medical attention if needed
If you encounter illness or injury while at the beach and your doctor is unavailable, visit:
Your Doc’s In Ocean City, MD |
TidalHealth Immediate Care Laurel, DE |
TidalHealth Immediate Care Seaford, DE |