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The power of laughter

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

Have you ever laughed so hard that you started crying or could barely speak? There’s nothing better than a good belly laugh to boost your mood and brighten your day. But did you know that actual research has been conducted on laughter?  

Robert Provine, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, was the first researcher to conduct what is deemed to be groundbreaking research on laughter. His research spanned more than 10 years and he documented more than 2,000 cases of naturally occurring laughter in places such as student unions, shopping malls and other public spaces. Provine also authored a book entitled “Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.” Here are some of the findings that came from his observations and the data he collected: 

  1. Laughter is an instinctive behavior produced and recognized by people of all cultures. 
  2. Most laughter is not about humor; it’s about the relationships people have with each other. So, it’s not surprising that his data found that we laugh 30 times more when we are with other people. 
  3. Laughter is usually in response to commonplace remarks in conversations versus in response to jokes. 
  4. The speaker tends to laugh more than the audience. 
  5. In groups, women laugh more than men and they are usually laughing at the men more than the men are laughing at them. 
  6. Laughter tends to occur in short bursts of vowel-like sounds such as “ha-ha.” 
  7. Most people can’t laugh on command. 
  8. Laughter is contagious. 
  9. Laughter is believed to have its origins in the rough-and-tumble play of primates. 
  10. We usually laugh during the pauses we make for coughing or breathing. 

Laughter benefits us physically, emotionally, and socially. It lowers stress hormones, eases anxiety and strengthens relationships. Let’s remember to integrate fun, laughter and play into our relationships at home, work, and in the community.  

The famous Charlie Chaplin said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Let’s lighten up and create opportunities and space for laughter. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you. 

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Contributing Author
Dee Copeland, LCPC has more than 15 years of experience working in the field of mental health therapy and counseling and has her master’s degree in education with a focus in community counseling. Dee ...

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